Our Products

Platelet Activation with Pure Autologous Thrombin Rich Serum
Tropocells® autologous Thrombin Rich Serum (TRS) technology enables the physician to easily activate platelets that are obtained from Tropocells® PRP.
The combination of Tropocells® TRS and Tropocells® PRP releases enriched growth factors which stimulate, accelerate and upgrade the body’s natural healing processes in specific localized surgical sites.

The patented Tropocells® TRS product is delivered in a red capped tube containing a separation gel without the presence of an anticoagulant.
The system includes the following components: red stoppers, specially treated glass and a unique gel barrier. Tropocells® TRS is prepared by taking either 12ml or 23ml whole blood from the patient, then separating platelets and anabolic cells from catabolic Red Blood Cells and Granulocytes via centrifugation. The Tropocells® TRS is obtained without the addition of activating substances.
By combining Tropocells® TRS with Tropocells® PRP the physician is able to obtain growth factors rich fibrin (GFRF) either as injectable GFRG* or GFRF** membrane.
* GFRG -Growth Factors Rich Gel
**GFRF – Growth Factors Rich Fibrin
The Tropocells® Natural Autologous Biological Glue Preparation Method
Tropocells® TRS Autologous Glue is naturally prepared from the patient’s own blood

Autologous fibrinogen (already
being an integral part of the

TRS - Autologous Thrombin Rich
The rapid and simple procedure reflects a method in which autologous thrombin in the patient’s serum can be used to activate platelets. As a matter of fact, the autologous thrombin in the patient’s serum can effectively activate platelets which leads to the stimulation of tissue regeneration, repair and maturation. The Tropocells® Fibrin Glue is a natural therapeutic method which is mainly used to reduce the risk for contamination and immunological response of using commercially available fibrin glue alternatives, stop bleeding, seal wound edges and also designated for scaffolds in tissue engineering.
TRS Preparation
Collect blood directly into Tropocells® TRS
vacuum tube containing separation gel

Immediately Centrifuge
for 10 min at 1500g

Gel sperarates plateles from RBC and
granulocytes. Platelets are formed in
a PRF matrix. The thrombin rich serum (TRS) liquid resides within and on top of the upper part of the PRF matrix

Insert a syringe to collect the TRS serum

TRS is ready to use