Our Products

Tropocells® Pure PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is an autologous
polymerised fibrin scaffold consists of large quantity of
platelet cytokines, growth factors and chemokines.
Tropocells® Pure PRF creates a fibrin scaffold with which the growth factors and other bioactive materials interact to stimulate the healing process. The Tropocells® pure PRF is generated following platelets activation which are trapped in this matrix. PRF is used to promote wound healing, bone regeneration, graft stabilization, wound sealing and haemostasis.
Tropocells® pure PRF advantages over the common PRF methods include, among others, ease of preparation/application, minimal expenses and lack of biochemical modification (no bovine, thrombin or anticoagulant is required).
A simple and fast preparation method.
Tropocells® pure PRF is prepared by taking either a 12ml or 23ml blood from the patient, then separating platelets from Red Blood Cells and Granulocytes via centrifugation. The clot that is formed is placed on the surface of a wound or is packed into a cavity or sinus. Platelets will be formed in a PRF matrix. As the clot dissolves, growth factors and other bioactive components in this milieu of autologous material are released. The Tropocells® PRF is generated without the addition of activating substances.
Collect blood directly into Tropocells® Pure PRF vacuum tube containing separation gel

Immediately Centrifuge
for 15 min at 1500g

Gel sperarates plateles from RBC and
granulocytes. platelets are formed in
a PRF matrix

Enter a spatule to collect the PRF matrix

PRF is ready to use

The PRF Process
Treating the wound site with Tropocells® Pure PRF helps:
Decreasing the occurrence of infection,
complications and discomfort -
Promote the development
of new blood vessels -
Initiate and accelerate tissue
synthesis, tissue, bone and joint
surface regeneration -
Speeding up the natural
wound healing time -
Significantly reducing
post-operative pain.

Main applications of Tropocells® pure PRF
Chronic Wounds
- Leg Ulcers
- Diabetic Ulcers
- Pressures Sores
Acute Wounds
- Surgical Wounds
- Burns
- BurnsFistulas
- Skin Graft
- Helps reducing the occurrence of sternal wound infections
pure PRF
Membrane Preparation